Sunday, September 22, 2013

Arlington National Cemetery

Today I am sharing the most known National Cemetery in The USA. It is so big , that if you get to go, I recommend make it more than a day trip. Take the tour, but then walk around to see more of it.
Lots of history surrounding this cemetery also.

Gates into Cemetery




Lots of history here , I will start with the first person to be buried here:
Mary Randolph .  She is known for writing The Virginia House-Wife (1824), one of the most influential housekeeping and cook books of the nineteenth century.
close of stone

James Parks, was a freed slave who  is the only person buried there who was born on the grounds.
He was born a slave but was later freed by his owner and continued to work at the cemetery as a grave digger. He died at Freedman's Village ( more on this in another post) and was granted special permission to be buried at Arlington by the Secretary of War.

The most visited grave here is President John F Kennedy, and his wife , Jackie, two children, and his brothers. All though Ted died after I took pictures, Robert's I did get.

John, on his right Jackie and daughter Arabella ( Aug 1956),
on his left son, Patrick Bouvier , ( Aug 1963)

John F. Kennedy  

Jackie Kennedy Onassis

The Eterna Flame , designed by Clayton B. Lyle.  Mrs. Kennedy took a burning taper from her military escort. When she touched the lamp, the flame leaped up.

His brother Roberts:

Closer of Headstone

Others that rest here :

Robert Todd Lincoln
son of President Abraham Lincoln

closer of tomb

Front of Memorial

Memorial to the Space Shuttle 2003

Lee Marvin ( the Actor), also a Veteran

Joe Lewis the Boxer

Thurgood Marshall , Supreme Court  Associate Justice
War Heroes:
close up of Inscription
Medal of Honor Recipient
Ira Hamilton Hayes was a Pima Native American and a United States Marine corporal who was one of the six flag raisers immortalized in the iconic photograph of the flag raising on Iwo Jima during World War II.

Gregory "Pappy" Boyington was a United States Marine Corps officer who was an American fighter ace during World War II. For his heroic actions, he was awarded both the Medal of Honor and the Navy Cross.
TV series Baa Baa Black Sheep , was made for his heroics.
Medgar Evers , a Veteran and Civil Rights Leader
And the best for Last :
The Tomb of the Unknown Solider


 The Old Guard keeps vigil 365 days a year. The Changing of the Guard, Ceremony is one the best things to see.
Their are remains here from World War 1 , World War 2, Korean War, and  Vietnam. The remains of the Vietnam Vet, were identified  as 1st Lt. Michael Blassie . He was interred in the National Cemetery in Missouri.
That concludes this portion of  Arlington, I will be doing another in depth post on a specific section .
Until Then, I leave you with :
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day, unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed Tand very dear. - Anonymous