Sunday, August 11, 2013

Duelists, Ghosts & Revoluntary Soliders

While in Savannah, Georgia I explored  a cemetery full of interesting history, haunting's, and give night time tours, as well. The Colonial Cemetery has 10,000 graves , including a revoluntary war hero, a Declaration of Independence signer, duelists , a consort and sightings of ghosts!  Because this is such an interesting cemetery, I will post in two parts.  I will started with some back ground info on the cemetery, it's first burial was in 1750, and it's last was 1850.  The Entrance:

Perhaps the most famous grave here would be Button Gwinnett, who was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence . Mr. Gwinnett meet his end after a duel with Lachlan McIntosh, after an argument about who was right regarding an invasion into Florida. 

Major General Nathanael Greene.of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He was given a plantation named Mulberry Grove, for giving so much to the war, including his own money. He died here of a sunstroke in 1786. The cotton gin  created by Eli Whitney, was made here. He was interned here in the Graham tomb originally then moved to Jackson Square along with his son., in 1902. 

Jackson Square

James Wilde was the brother of the well-known American poet, Richard Henry Wilde. The cemetery commemorative plaque in honor of James Wilde contains a stanza from his brother's most famous poem whose completion was interrupted by the death of James in the duel.

This is the most interesting debated video shot here of a ghost:

You decide what you see. I make no claims to this , neither the person taking the video or saying it is true. 
Until my next post  I leave you with this :

Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day, unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear. - Anonymous

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